Westwood Park Association

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting Held Virtually

April 29, 2021


Call to order at 7:05 pm

Roll Call

Present (via Zoom):   Mike Ahrens, Francine Lofrano, Joe Koman, Mike O’Driscoll, Jeanine Hawk, Rick Marsh, Pauline Jue

Absent:  None

Guests:  Hedda Thieme (via Zoom telephone), Marianne and Alex Tilds (via Zoom)

1.  Comments on Bylaws

Hedda Thieme asked to address the Board about her concerns.  She wanted to ensure that the Westwood Park Board is inclusive and does not become authoritarian.  Her letter is attached.  President Ahrens’ responses are attached.

Jeanine and Pauline will draft an article for the newsletter about appropriate neighborhood behavior.

2.  Approval of Minutes from March 25, 2021 meeting

Confirmation of electronic approval of 3/25/21 minutes.  A motion was made and seconded.  Motion was unanimously approved 7-0.

3.  Marianne and Alex Tilds, 815 Miramar

Owners of 815 Miramar indicated that they plan to construct an Accessory Dwelling Unit as allowed by Civil Code Section 4751, adopted in 2020.  They have indicated that they would follow all of the requirements of government authority, including the requirements imposed under this new legislation.  They have also informed the Board that all changes will be to the interior of the house and they will not extend beyond the current footprint of the house. The Board has indicated that there are legal questions relating to the constitutionality of this new legislation; however, without waiving their rights with respect to these matters, and without waiving the rights of any other party, the Board has informed the owners of 815 Miramar that the Association will not pursue any objections to their changes provided that, as the owners have promised, they will comply with the approval process required by law, and comply with all city and other governmental regulations.

4. Co-Treasurer’s Report

A.   Account Balances: Total bank balance as of 4/29/2021 per online bank information is $106,171.10 (Checking: $85,251.18; Savings:  $20,919.92). 

B.  Outgoing Checks: Per Joe Koman as of 4/29/2021

#1496 – (4/13/2021) – $79.99 To: Rick Marsh for Go Daddy SSL for WPA website

#1497 – (4/19/2021 – $250.00 To:  Joseph Bernard 2021-2022 database

C.  Electronic Payments: Per Bank as of 4/29/2021 

     PG&E – (4/12/2021) – $106.70

     Gutierrez Gardening – (4/212021) -$1650.00       

D.  Dues & Lien Collection Status:    As of the 4/27/2021 deposit, a total of 550 out of 685 properties (80.29%) that have paid their 2021-2022 dues.  The Ocean/Faxon Chase Bank has temporarily closed due to asbestos found by development company the bought the properties on this block.  Reopening yet to be determined.

Also, the Association has six correspondences sent to people whose payments were incomplete or inaccurate.

Lien status:   The property owner who has a lien tried to pay just this year’s assessment as he has done before was sent another letter to sign and return acknowledging that if we cash his check, it is without prejudice to previous amounts owed.  So far, he has not signed this acknowledgment so his check will be returned.  One lien has been paid in full via personal check.  Lien release will be filed once the check has cleared the bank.

Notice of short-term residential applications:  Received on April 19, applications from Jeff Diehl for 15 Hazelwood (lot 3137-13), record #2020-005918STR and Geri Cheung for 1566 Plymouth (lot 3109-19), record #2020-008687STR.

5A.  West of Twin Peaks Council report

Jeanine and Pauline attended their April 26 meeting.  Notes from this meeting are attached, along with the Land Use Report. Jeanine will check to see if they have submitted a letter objecting to SB-9 and SB-10.

5B. Opening of Great Highway and JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park

The Board would like to see the Great Highway and JFK Drive open again to vehicle traffic.  A motion was made and seconded.  Motion was unanimously approved 7-0.

6.  Financial Review by Accountant, Tax Returns, etc.

Jeanine will be gathering the necessary paperwork to provide to the accountant for the annual tax form preparation. 

7.  Nominations of directors

Mike will prepare a draft letter to the members of the Association regarding nomination of director and Pauline will submit it to Rick for an electronic distribution to members who have consented to receiving email correspondence.  A paper letter will be distributed to the approximately 180 members who did not consent to email correspondence or do not have email addresses on file.  The letter must be distributed by May 10, 2021.

Michelle O’Driscoll has graciously offered to locate a new printer for our materials, as Dragon Printing will be closing shop this year.  The $500 deposit with Dragon will be returned to the Board.

8.  Approval of Election Rules and Amended Bylaws

A motion was made and seconded.  Motion was unanimously approved 7-0. 

9.  Annual meeting on September 25, 2021 meeting 

The Board considered an in-person meeting but decided to conduct it via Zoom this year.

10.  Balboa Park CAC

There is a May 10 meeting scheduled to discuss future actions on the Balboa Reservoir project.  At the June 14 meeting, there may be a discussion about sunsetting this group.

11.  Common Areas

Davey Trees has re-installed the tree stakes mistakenly removed by the City in the Miramar median.  The gardener will replace the timer which is broken in the lower Plymouth triangle.

12.  1490 Ocean

Still no word from the developer and builder’s lawyer for regarding the lighting issue of the Miramar pillars.  Mike Ahrens will ask them for the 1490 Ocean homeowner association contact info.  Then Mike Ahrens and Mike O’Driscoll will discuss options and actions that could be taken.

13.  Complaint about Paving on Faxon

A neighbor raised concerns that the paving on upper Faxon was ridged and very uneven.  Rick will contact 311 to complain about this.  Miike Ahrens will notify the neighbor of this action.

14.  600 Miramar

There seems to be little activity.  No outside work has been done; and there are only periodic sounds of interior work being formed.  The Planning Department will be conducting an inspection on May 4.

15.  Downtown Congestion Proposal

Mike Ahrens will draft a letter opposing this proposal.

16.  Miramar Speed Bumps

Joe has submitted a package to the City, requesting speed bumps be installed on Miramar.

17.  Next meeting

Jeanine requested our monthly meetings be rescheduled to a different week from the scheduled West of Twin Peaks Council meetings (conducted on the last Monday each month).  The Westwood Park Board agreed and meetings will now be conducted on the first Thursday of each month.  The next meeting will be June 3, 2021 at 7 pm.

Adjourn:  A motion was made and seconded.  Motion was unanimously approved 7-0.  Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.

submitted by Pauline Jue, Secretary, April 30